sleepynanny's achievements

0 out of 54

Kudos earned: 0 / 1485

Tip: Each time an achievement is completed, the number of kudos awarded is increased by 1.


Show an interest in your first item.

0 / 1

For The Kids

Show an interest in 10 items or more.

0 / 10

Kiddie's Champion

Show an interest in 50 items or more.

0 / 50

Generosity Begins at Home

List your first item and choose a recipient.

1 / 1

Community Contributor

List 10 or more items and choose recipients.

1 / 10

Community Champion

List 50 or more items and choose recipients.

1 / 50

Literally the Santa Claus of Free Stuff

List 100 or more items and choose recipients.

1 / 100

Good Samaritan

Have 6 active items listed at the same time.

0 / 6

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

List an item with 6 or more photos.


Edit one of your item listings.

Meet the Parent

Write a profile description with 200 or more characters.

The Chosen One

Be chosen to receive an item.

0 / 1

Parent of the Year

Receive at least 10 items.

0 / 10

Mobile Maverick

Try out the app on your phone (available at a later date).

Tech-Savvy Parent

Install and try out one of our other apps listed on the Essentials for Families page (available at a later date).

Make a Wish

Make a wanted post (available at a later date).

Wish Granter

Answer the prayers for a user by giving them an item they requested in a wanted post (available at a later date).

Power Searcher

Use the advanced search feature to narrow down the results to a single item.

Search Wizard

Use the site search feature on 30 separate days.

0 / 30

Constructive Critic

Leave feedback after receiving an item.

Spread the Love

Leave feedback for someone receiving your item.

First Responder

Respond to a user's feedback.

Feedback Loop

Leave feedback on 5 items you've collected and receive feedback on 5 items you've given away.

Given feedback: 0 / 5, Received feedback: 0 / 5

The Voice of Reason

Leave feedback on 95%+ of all items, listed and received, for 20 or more items.

Feedback left: 0.0% (total items: 1 / 20, feedback count: 0)

Fan Favourite

Get a 95% or higher positive feedback score as a lister with over 10 items listed.

Current feedback score: 0.0% (total listed feedback: 0 / 10, postive: 0) Jedi

Achieve a 95% or higher positive feedback score for 50 or more items, either listed or received.

Current feedback score: 0.0% (total feedback: 0 / 50, postive: 0)

Spread the Word

Refer another user to the site.

0 / 1

Valued Advocate

Refer 10 users to the site.

0 / 10

Parental Influencer

Refer 50 users to the site.

0 / 50

Ambassador for Kids

Make more than 200 kudos points from referrals.

0 / 100

Small World

A user you referred to the site showed an interest in one of your listed items.

Breaking the Ice

Start a new forum post (available at a later date).

Social Butterfly

Respond to over 100 forum posts (available at a later date).

Contribution Connoisseur

Recognise great contributions by granting awards to 20 or more forum posts (available at a later date).

0 / 20


Successfully give away an item, claim an item, and refer a user to the site. All within a week.

Give item: ❌, claim item: ❌, refer user: ❌

What Goes Around Comes Around

Spend some of your kudos points on a reward.

The Good Neighbour

In a week, give more items than anyone else in a 30.0 km radius from your location (minimum of 3 successful item listings and at least 10 local competitors).

Given items in a week: 0 / 3

Local Legend

In a week, refer more people to the site than anyone else in a 30.0 km radius from your location (minimum of 5 referrals and at least 10 local competitors).

Referrals in a week: 0 / 5

Your Lucky Day

Receive an item by being chosen at random out of five or more candidates.

It's Just Down The Road

Receive an item by being chosen as the closest candidate while being less than 5 km away from the item lister.

Deep Pockets

Be chosen as the highest donor of an item having donated at least 200 kudos points to the pot.

Valiant Effort

Lose out on an item after being the highest donor having donated at least 200 kudos or more.

Fast Response

Respond to a new conversation within 5 minutes of receiving a message.

Early Bird Gets the Worm

Register your interest in an item within 2 minutes of it being placed on the site and then after, be chosen to receive it.

One Person's Trash is Another's Treasure

Save an item from a trip to the landfill - show an interest in an item that has no other interested users, with only 1 day left until its expiry.

Unsung Hero

Maintain a 90% or higher successful listings score with over 20 successful items listed.

Current successful listings: 0.0% (items listed: 1 / 20, successful: 0)

Loyal Supporter

Visit the site every day for at least 100 days (a daily streak is considered broken if there has been no visit for at least 36 hours).

0 / 100

The Everyday Hero

Perfect attendance! The kids will be proud. Visit the site every day for 365 days straight (a daily streak is considered broken if there has been no visit for at least 36 hours).

0 / 365

One-Year Veteran

Visit your profile after having been a member for a year or more.

Member for: 7 / 12 months

Unwavering Dedication

Visit your profile after having been a member for 3 or more years.

Member for: 7 / 36 months

Hometown Hero

Reach the top 10 in the local leaderboard (requires that there are at least 30 users in your local leaderboard).

Lucky Number Seven

Browse an item page that contains '77' in its ID number, while your own kudos points contains the number '77'. The achievement will then trigger on the item page when your local time reaches the 7th second, 7th minute, of the 7th hour (either AM or PM).

Hidden Treasure

Find the hidden treasure.


Make a positive impact on children's lives with a donation to
